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со всех языков на английский

the landed interest(s)

  • 1 the landed interest

    the landed interest землевладельцы

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > the landed interest

  • 2 the landed interest

    the landed interest
    os latifundiários.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the landed interest

  • 3 (the) landed interest(s)

    de (groot)grondbezitters, de landeigenaars

    English-Dutch dictionary > (the) landed interest(s)

  • 4 the landed interest

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > the landed interest

  • 5 the landed interest

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the landed interest

  • 6 (the) landed interest

    а) землевладельцы
    б) интересы класса помещиков

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > (the) landed interest

  • 7 (the) landed interest

    а) землевладельцы
    б) интересы класса помещиков

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > (the) landed interest

  • 8 the landed interest

    toprak sahibi

    English-Turkish dictionary > the landed interest

  • 9 the landed interest

    toprak sahibi

    English-Turkish dictionary > the landed interest

  • 10 the landed interest

    zemes īpašnieki; zemesīpašnieki

    English-Latvian dictionary > the landed interest

  • 11 the landed interest

    • maanomistajat

    English-Finnish dictionary > the landed interest

  • 12 the landed interest

    Новый англо-русский словарь > the landed interest

  • 13 landed interest

    the subst. \/ˈlændɪdˌɪnterəst\/
    godseierne, godseierstanden

    English-Norwegian dictionary > landed interest

  • 14 interest

    interest [ˊɪntrəst]
    1. n
    1) интере́с, заинтересо́ванность;

    to lose interest потеря́ть интере́с


    to show interest прояви́ть интере́с


    to arouse interest возбужда́ть интере́с


    to take (an) interest in smb., smth. интересова́ться кем-л., чем-л., проявля́ть интере́с к кому́-л., чему́-л.

    2) увлече́ние (чем-л.); интере́с (к чему-л.);

    her chief interest is music она́ увлека́ется то́лько му́зыкой

    3) вы́года, преиму́щество, по́льза;

    to look after one's own interests забо́титься о со́бственной вы́годе


    in the interest(s) of truth в интере́сах справедли́вости


    it is to my interest to do so сде́лать э́то в мои́х интере́сах

    4) pl:

    (vested) interests капиталовложе́ния

    5) до́ля (в чём-л.); уча́стие в при́былях
    6) проце́нты ( на капитал);

    simple (compound) interest просты́е (сло́жные) проце́нты


    rate of interest проце́нт, проце́нтная ста́вка, но́рма проце́нта


    interest will start to run... начисле́ние проце́нтов начнётся с...


    to return with interest верну́ть с проце́нтами; перен. верну́ть с лихво́й

    7) гру́ппа лиц, име́ющих о́бщие интере́сы;

    the landed interest землевладе́льцы

    8) ва́жность, значе́ние;

    a matter of no little interest де́ло немалова́жное

    9) влия́ние ( withна кого-л.)
    2. v интересова́ть, заинтересо́вывать

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > interest

  • 15 landed

    ˈlændɪd прил. земельный landed interestземлевладельцы landed proprietorземлевладелец landed classesпомещики, землевладельцы landed propertyземельная собственность Syn: land земельный - * property земельная собственность владеющий земельнйо собственностью - * proprietor землевладелец - the * interest землевладельцы;
    интересы класса помещиков - the * classes помещики, землевладельцы landed p. p. от land ~ земельный;
    landed proprietor землевладелец;
    the landed interest землевладельцы;
    the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы ~ земельный;
    landed proprietor землевладелец;
    the landed interest землевладельцы;
    the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы ~ земельный;
    landed proprietor землевладелец;
    the landed interest землевладельцы;
    the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы ~ земельный;
    landed proprietor землевладелец;
    the landed interest землевладельцы;
    the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы proprietor: landed ~ земельный собственник, владелец недвижимости landed ~ земельный собственник

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > landed

  • 16 landed

    landed p. p. от land landed земельный; landed proprietor землевладелец; the landed interest землевладельцы; the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы landed земельный; landed proprietor землевладелец; the landed interest землевладельцы; the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы landed земельный; landed proprietor землевладелец; the landed interest землевладельцы; the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы landed земельный; landed proprietor землевладелец; the landed interest землевладельцы; the landed classes помещики, землевладельцы proprietor: landed landed земельный собственник, владелец недвижимости landed landed земельный собственник

    English-Russian short dictionary > landed

  • 17 interest

    1. noun
    1) Interesse, das; Anliegen, das

    take or have an interest in somebody/something — sich für jemanden/etwas interessieren

    [just] for or out of interest — [nur] interessehalber

    with interestinteressiert ( see also academic.ru/9982/c">c)

    lose interest in somebody/something — das Interesse an jemandem/etwas verlieren

    interest in life/food — Lust am Leben/Essen

    be of interestinteressant od. von Interesse sein (to für)

    act in one's own/somebody's interest[s] — im eigenen/in jemandes Interesse handeln

    in the interest[s] of humanity — zum Wohle der Menschheit

    2) (thing in which one is concerned) Angelegenheit, die; Belange Pl.
    3) (Finance) Zinsen Pl.

    at interestgegen od. auf Zinsen

    with interest(fig.): (with increased force etc.) überreichlich; doppelt und dreifach (ugs.) (see also a)

    4) (financial stake) Beteiligung, die; Anteil, der

    declare an interestseine Interessen darlegen

    5) (legal concern) [Rechts]anspruch, der
    2. transitive verb

    be interested in somebody/something — sich für jemanden/etwas interessieren

    somebody is interested by somebody/something — jemand/etwas erregt jemandes Interesse; see also interested

    * * *
    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) das Interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) das Interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) die Zinsen (pl.); Zins-...
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) der Anteil
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) Kreise(pl.)
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessieren
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) gewinnen
    - interested
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest
    * * *
    [ˈɪntrəst, AM -trɪst]
    I. n
    1. (concern, curiosity) Interesse nt; (hobby) Hobby nt
    she looked about her with \interest sie sah sich interessiert um
    just out of \interest ( fam) nur interessehalber
    vested \interest eigennütziges Interesse, Eigennutz m
    to have [or take] an \interest in sth an etw dat Interesse haben, sich akk für etw akk interessieren
    to lose \interest in sb/sth das Interesse an jdm/etw verlieren
    to pursue one's own \interests seinen eigenen Interessen nachgehen, seine eigenen Interessen verfolgen
    to show an \interest in sth an etw dat Interesse zeigen
    to take no further \interest in sth das Interesse an etw dat verloren haben, kein Interesse mehr für etw akk zeigen
    sth is in sb's \interest etw liegt in jds Interesse
    \interests pl Interessen pl, Belange pl
    in the \interests of safety, please do not smoke aus Sicherheitsgründen Rauchen verboten
    I'm only acting in your best \interests ich tue das nur zu deinem Besten
    Jane is acting in the \interests of her daughter Jane vertritt die Interessen ihrer Tochter
    in the \interests of humanity zum Wohle der Menschheit
    to look after the \interests of sb jds Interessen wahrnehmen
    3. no pl (importance) Interesse nt, Reiz m
    buildings of historical \interest historisch interessante Gebäude
    to be of \interest to sb für jdn von Interesse sein
    to hold \interest for sb jdn interessieren
    4. no pl FIN Zinsen pl; (paid on investments also) Kapitalertrag m
    at 5% \interest zu 5 % Zinsen
    what is the \interest on a loan these days? wie viel Zinsen zahlt man heutzutage für einen Kredit?
    rate of \interest [or \interest rate] Zinssatz m
    \interest on advance Vorauszahlungszins m
    \interest on arrears Verzugszinsen pl
    \interest on principal Kapitalverzinsung f
    \interest on savings deposits Sparzinsen pl
    to earn/pay \interest Zinsen einbringen/zahlen
    he earns \interest on his money sein Geld bringt ihm Zinsen [ein]
    to return sb's kindness with \interest ( fig) jds Freundlichkeit um ein Vielfaches erwidern
    to pay sb back with \interest ( fig) es jdm doppelt [o gründlich] heimzahlen
    5. (involvement) Beteiligung f
    the \interests of the company include steel and chemicals das Unternehmen ist auch in den Bereichen Stahl und Chemie aktiv
    a legal \interest in a company ein gesetzlicher Anteil an einer Firma
    powerful business \interests einflussreiche Kreise aus der Geschäftswelt
    foreign \interest ausländische Interessengruppen
    the landed \interest[s] die Großgrundbesitzer(innen) m(f)
    II. vt
    to \interest sb [in sth] jdn [für etw akk] interessieren, bei jdm Interesse [für etw akk] wecken
    may I \interest you in this encyclopaedia? darf ich Ihnen diese Enzyklopädie vorstellen?
    don't suppose I can \interest you in a quick drink before lunch, can I? kann ich dich vor dem Mittagessen vielleicht noch zu einem kurzen Drink überreden?
    to \interest oneself in sth/sb sich akk für etw/jdn interessieren
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Interesse nt

    do you have any interest in chess? — interessieren Sie sich für Schach?, haben Sie Interesse an Schach (dat)?

    to take/feel an interest in sb/sth — sich für jdn/etw interessieren

    after that he took no further interest in us/it — danach war er nicht mehr an uns (dat)/daran interessiert

    to show (an) interest in sb/sth — Interesse für jdn/etw zeigen

    just for interest — nur aus Interesse, nur interessehalber

    he has lost interester hat das Interesse verloren

    what are your interests?was sind Ihre Interessen(gebiete)?

    his interests are... — er interessiert sich für...

    2) (= importance) Interesse nt (to für)

    matters of vital interest to the economyDinge pl von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung or lebenswichtigem Interesse für die Wirtschaft

    3) (= advantage, welfare) Interesse nt

    to act in sb's/one's own (best) interest(s) — in jds/im eigenen Interesse handeln

    in the interest(s) of sthim Interesse einer Sache (gen)

    4) (FIN) Zinsen pl

    to bear interest at 4% — 4% Zinsen tragen, mit 4% verzinst sein

    5) (COMM: share, stake) Anteil m; (= interest group) Kreise pl, Interessentengruppe f

    the landed interest(s)die Landbesitzer pl, die Gutsbesitzer pl

    America has an interest in helping Russia with its economy — Amerika hat ein Interesse daran, Russland Wirtschaftshilfe zu geben

    2. vt
    interessieren (in für, an +dat)

    to interest sb in doing sth — jdn dafür interessieren, etw zu tun

    to interest sb in politics etcjds Interesse an or für Politik etc wecken, jdn für Politik etc interessieren

    to interest oneself in sb/sth — sich für jdn/etw interessieren

    * * *
    interest [ˈıntrıst; ˈıntərest]
    A s
    1. (in) Interesse n (an dat, für), (An)Teilnahme f (an dat):
    there’s not much interest in es besteht kein großes Interesse an;
    lose interest das Interesse verlieren;
    take ( oder have) an interest in sth sich für etwas interessieren, Anteil an etwas nehmen;
    she hasn’t got much interest in football Fußball interessiert sie nicht sehr;
    music is his only interest er interessiert sich nur für Musik
    2. Reiz m, Interesse n:
    add interest to reizvoll oder interessant machen (akk);
    be of interest (to) von Interesse sein (für), interessieren (akk), reizvoll sein (für);
    there is no interest in doing sth es ist uninteressant oder sinnlos, etwas zu tun; human A 1
    3. Wichtigkeit f, Bedeutung f, Interesse n:
    of great (little) interest von großer Wichtigkeit (von geringer Bedeutung);
    this question is of no interest at the moment diese Frage ist im Moment nicht aktuell
    4. besonders WIRTSCH Beteiligung f, Anteil m ( beide:
    in an dat):
    have an interest in sth an oder bei einer Sache beteiligt sein; control A 1
    5. meist pl besonders WIRTSCH Geschäfte pl, Interessen pl, Belange pl:
    shipping interests Reedereigeschäfte, -betrieb m
    6. auch pl WIRTSCH Interessenten pl, Interessengruppe(n) f(pl), (die) beteiligten Kreise pl:
    the banking interest die Bankkreise;
    the business interests die Geschäftswelt;
    the shipping interest die Reeder pl; landed, vest C 2
    7. Interesse n, Vorteil m, Nutzen m, Gewinn m:
    be in ( oder to) sb’s interest in jemandes Interesse liegen;
    in your (own) interest zu Ihrem (eigenen) Vorteil, in Ihrem (eigenen) Interesse;
    in the public interest im öffentlichen Interesse;
    look after ( oder protect, safeguard) sb’s interests jemandes Interessen wahrnehmen oder wahren;
    study sb’s interest jemandes Vorteil im Auge haben; lie2 Bes Redew
    8. Eigennutz m
    9. Einfluss m ( with bei), Macht f: sphere A 6
    10. JUR (An)Recht n, Anspruch m ( beide:
    in auf akk): vest C 2
    11. WIRTSCH Zinsen pl:
    a loan at 8% interest ein Darlehen zu 8% Zinsen;
    interest due fällige Zinsen;
    interest from ( oder on) capital Kapitalzinsen;
    and ( oder plus) interest zuzüglich Zinsen;
    as interest zinsweise;
    ex interest ohne Zinsen;
    bear ( oder carry, earn, pay, yield) interest Zinsen tragen, sich verzinsen (at 4% mit 4%);
    interest on deposits Zinsen auf (Bank)Einlagen;
    interest on shares Stückzinsen;
    interest rate A 12;
    invest money at interest Geld verzinslich anlegen;
    return a blow (an insult) with interest fig einen Schlag (eine Beleidigung) mit Zinsen oder mit Zins und Zinseszins zurückgeben;
    return sb’s kindness with interest fig sich für jemandes Freundlichkeit mehr als nur erkenntlich zeigen; rate1 A 2
    12. WIRTSCH Zinsfuß m, -satz m
    B v/t
    1. interessieren (in für), jemandes Interesse oder Teilnahme erwecken ( in sth an einer Sache; for sb für jemanden):
    interest o.s. in sich interessieren für
    2. angehen, betreffen:
    every citizen is interested in this law dieses Gesetz geht jeden Bürger an
    3. interessieren, fesseln, anziehen, reizen
    4. besonders WIRTSCH beteiligen (in an dat)
    int. abk
    2. WIRTSCH interest
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Interesse, das; Anliegen, das

    take or have an interest in somebody/something — sich für jemanden/etwas interessieren

    [just] for or out of interest — [nur] interessehalber

    lose interest in somebody/something — das Interesse an jemandem/etwas verlieren

    interest in life/food — Lust am Leben/Essen

    be of interestinteressant od. von Interesse sein (to für)

    act in one's own/somebody's interest[s] — im eigenen/in jemandes Interesse handeln

    in the interest[s] of humanity — zum Wohle der Menschheit

    2) (thing in which one is concerned) Angelegenheit, die; Belange Pl.
    3) (Finance) Zinsen Pl.

    at interestgegen od. auf Zinsen

    with interest(fig.): (with increased force etc.) überreichlich; doppelt und dreifach (ugs.) (see also a)

    4) (financial stake) Beteiligung, die; Anteil, der
    5) (legal concern) [Rechts]anspruch, der
    2. transitive verb

    be interested in somebody/something — sich für jemanden/etwas interessieren

    somebody is interested by somebody/something — jemand/etwas erregt jemandes Interesse; see also interested

    * * *
    (in) n.
    Anteil -e (an) m.
    Beteiligung f. (finance) n.
    Zinsen - m. n.
    Anteil -e m.
    Anteilnahme f.
    Bedeutung f.
    Interesse n.
    Vorteil -e m.
    Wichtigkeit f.
    Zins -en m. v.
    interessieren v.

    English-german dictionary > interest

  • 18 interest

    I. 1. интерес, заинтересованост, любопитство
    to take/feel an INTEREST in интересувам се от
    to take a fresh INTEREST in life възвръщам си интереса към живота
    the INTEREST turns upon в центъра на вниманието е
    something has no INTEREST for me/is of no INTEREST to me нещо не ме интересува/не представлява интерес за мен
    2. изгода, (личен) интерес, преимущество, полза
    3. участие (в нещо), дял (в печалба), част
    to have no money INTEREST in that concern нямам вложен капитал в това предприятие
    to give someone a joint INTEREST in взимам някого за съдружник в
    4. важност, значение
    matter of no little INTEREST твърде важна работа
    5. влияние
    to have INTEREST with имам влияние пред
    6. кръг от хора с общи интереси/цели
    the landed INTEREST земевладелците
    the banking INTEREST банкерите
    7. лихва, лихвен процент
    to bear INTEREST at 5 per cent нося пет на сто лихва
    to lend at short INTEREST давам пари под лихва за кратък срок
    simple/compound INTEREST проста/сложна лихва
    with INTEREST с печалба/лихва, прен. с лихва, тъпкано
    II. 1. (за) интересувам, привличам вниманието на
    to be INTERESTed in интересувам се от
    2. заангажирам с участие в нещо, заинтересовам
    * * *
    {'intrist} n 1. интерес; заинтересованост, любопитство; to t(2) {'intrist} v 1. (за)интересувам, привличам вниманието на
    * * *
    сметка; влияние; занимавам; заинтересувам; заинтересованост; интерес; интересувам; лихва;
    * * *
    1. i. интерес, заинтересованост, любопитство 2. ii. (за) интересувам, привличам вниманието на 3. matter of no little interest твърде важна работа 4. simple/compound interest проста/сложна лихва 5. something has no interest for me/is of no interest to me нещо не ме интересува/не представлява интерес за мен 6. the banking interest банкерите 7. the interest turns upon в центъра на вниманието е 8. the landed interest земевладелците 9. to be interested in интересувам се от 10. to bear interest at 5 per cent нося пет на сто лихва 11. to give someone a joint interest in взимам някого за съдружник в 12. to have interest with имам влияние пред 13. to have no money interest in that concern нямам вложен капитал в това предприятие 14. to lend at short interest давам пари под лихва за кратък срок 15. to take a fresh interest in life възвръщам си интереса към живота 16. to take/feel an interest in интересувам се от 17. with interest с печалба/лихва, прен. с лихва, тъпкано 18. важност, значение 19. влияние 20. заангажирам с участие в нещо, заинтересовам 21. изгода, (личен) интерес, преимущество, полза 22. кръг от хора с общи интереси/цели 23. лихва, лихвен процент 24. участие (в нещо), дял (в печалба), част
    * * *
    interest[´intrist] I. n 1. заинтересованост, интерес, любопитство; влечение; внимание; to take ( feel) \interest in се интересувам от; to take a fresh \interest in life придобивам отново вкус към живота; 2. изгода, полза; in the \interest of в полза на; 3. участие в нещо, дял в печалбите; част; I have no money \interest in that concern нямам капитал (пари) в това предприятие; to give s.o. a joint \interest in an affair вземам някого за съдружник в някоя работа; vested \interest пряко участие (обикн. с капитал); 4. важност, значение; a matter of no little \interest твърде важна работа; 5. влияние; 6. група лица с общи интереси; the landed \interest земевладелците; the banking \interest банковите кръгове, банкерите; 7. лихва, лихвен процент; rate of \interest лихвен процент; \interest rate cartel лихвен картел; \interest rate swap лихвен суап; \interest equilization tax данък за изравняване на лихвите; to bear \interest at 5 per cent нося 5% лихва; to lend at short \interest давам пари под лихва за кратък срок; simple ( compound) \interest проста (сложна) лихва; accrued \interest нарастваща (капитализирана) лихва; \interest table лихвена таблица; to repay an injury with \interest разг. връщам тъпкано за сторено зло; II. v 1. заинтересувам, привличам вниманието на; to be \interested in интересувам се от; 2. заангажирам с участие в нещо, заинтересувам.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > interest

  • 19 landed

    1. слязъл, дебаркирал
    2. поземлен
    LANDED property поземлен имот
    3. притежаващ земя
    LANDED proprietor земевладелец
    the LANDED interest земевладелците (като съсловие), земевладелските среди
    4. разг. загазил
    * * *
    {landid} а 1. слязъл, дебаркирал; 2. поземлен; landed property позе
    * * *
    * * *
    1. landed property поземлен имот 2. landed proprietor земевладелец 3. the landed interest земевладелците (като съсловие), земевладелските среди 4. поземлен 5. притежаващ земя 6. разг. загазил 7. слязъл, дебаркирал
    * * *
    landed[´lændid] adj 1. слязъл, дебаркирал; 2. поземлен; \landed property поземлен имот; \landed proprietor земевладелец; the \landed interest земевладелците (като съсловие), земевладелските среди.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > landed

  • 20 landed


    landed gentry/aristocracy — Landadel, der

    * * *
    adj attr, inv
    the \landed class + sing/pl vb die Großgrundbesitzer pl
    \landed family + sing/pl vb Familie f mit Grundbesitz
    the \landed gentry + sing/pl vb der Landadel
    * * *
    * * *
    landed [ˈlændıd] adj Land…, Grund…:
    the landed gentry koll der Landadel;
    the landed interest koll die Grundbesitzer pl (als Klasse);
    landed property ( oder estate) Grundbesitz m, -eigentum n, Landbesitz m, Liegenschaften pl;
    landed proprietor Grundbesitzer m, -eigentümer m; academic.ru/58455/proprietary">proprietary B 1, B 2
    * * *

    landed gentry/aristocracy — Landadel, der

    * * *
    gelandet adj.

    English-german dictionary > landed

См. также в других словарях:

  • landed interest — noun The combined interest of the land owning class in a community • • • Main Entry: ↑land …   Useful english dictionary

  • landed interest — The interest or estate which a person holds or owns in land or in the possession of land. See estate in land; landed estate …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Mismeasure of Man — The first edition of The Mismeasure of Man. (1981) The Mismeasure of Man (1981), by Stephen Jay Gould, is a history and critique of the statistical methods and cultural motivations underlying biological determinism, the belief that “the social… …   Wikipedia

  • The Reformation —     The Reformation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Reformation     The usual term for the religious movement which made its appearance in Western Europe in the sixteenth century, and which, while ostensibly aiming at an internal renewal of the …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Communist Manifesto —   The first edition of the book, in German …   Wikipedia

  • The Rough Wooing — was a term coined by Sir Walter Scott and H. E. Marshall to describe the Anglo Scottish war pursued intermittently from 1544 to 1551. It followed from the failure of the Scots to honour the terms of the 1543 Treaty of Greenwich, by which the… …   Wikipedia

  • Landed gentry — Mr and Mrs Andrews (1748 49) is a painting by British artist Thomas Gainsborough depicting members of the landed gentry. National Gallery, London. Landed gentry is a traditional British social class, consisting of land owners who could live… …   Wikipedia

  • interest — 1 / Intrist/ noun 1 FEELING (singular, uncountable) a feeling that makes you want to pay attention to something or to find out more about it: Ruth listened with evident interest. (+ in): They share an interest in poetry. | lose interest (=stop… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • interest in property — In the broader sense of the term, ownership of a particular property, whether of the full or a lesser interest. More precisely, a right in or to property which is less than ownership or title, 29A Am J Rev ed Ins § 825. A right less than an… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • History of the English fiscal system — The history of the English fiscal system affords the best known example of continuous financial development in terms of both institutions and methods. Although periods of great upheaval occurred from the time of the Norman Conquest to the… …   Wikipedia

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